Sunday, March 29, 2009


You know how sometimes you go to a great concert that you have been waiting for for months, or you go to a super party and have a lot of fun and then the next day you wake up with a feeling of emptiness? It's like all the excitement, happiness and fun from the previous day has just faded away and been replaced by a weird feeling of nearly sadness or irritation. Well that's how I woke up this morning. I hate this feeling especially because I know there's no reason for it to be there. I just want it to disappear and the feeling from yesterday to return. Because yesterday, I had fun. The concert was great. The artists were great. There were a lot of people there, we got great response, the local press was there. I would say it was a success. There were only 2 things that could have been better:
-We should have gotten 3 artist/bands because the concert was over earlier then planned :-/
-My speech. Oh my god my speech! It was honestly the worst speech made in human history. Because of the mic crisis, that thanks to a friend was fixed, I got so stressed that I couldn't prepare good enough for the speech. I, fortunately, didn't have to make it in the begging because a local climate-politician did it, but between the acts to extend the time a bit, we though I could hold an improvised speech. Bad idea. Bad bad idea. First of all, I stood too far away from the mic, so the mixing guy told me to go closer and I said "OK" as an answer to him in the mic! (hahaha! That's actually kind of funny!) Then I just forgot everything. There was a total blank in my head, I couldn't remember a shit, I took out a paper were I had the speech written down and I couldn't read my own handwriting, everything was just blurry, so I gave up, I just thanked the Politicians for supporting us and said something like "here's the next artist". The good thing is that all my friends applauded and although I know it was a very very bad speech, I don't really care. I'll never see the people who were there again and I hope my friends are understanding enough to get that I was extremely nervous. The weird about me when it comes to speeches or presentations in class is that I'm not scared, I don't mind doing it and I'm not nervous before like others normally are, but I get nervous during the speech/presentation and that's even worse. Yesterday, when I came home, I searched for courses to overcome "stage fear" and become a better speech holder because, although I survived yesterday, there's no way I'm gonna let this happen again.

Pic by the local paper:
(I don't take such professional pictures :-( )

But these are mine:

By the way, I'm really proud of myself for making this happen and holding a speech although it seemed more like a speech held by a teletubbie!

A video from the concert

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