Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friends, my ass...

I don´t understand how some people can call themselves your friend when they do nothing to show or prove the friendship. People, friendship isn't about counting how many times someone didn't call you when you don't call either, friendship isn't about writing "I miss you" all over someones facebook wall because true friendship doesn't need to be confirmed by some stupid comments on someones wall or by ranging your friends on some stupid application, it isn't about how many times you didn't call but about all those times when you do call and about showing happiness and appreciation about that one call a month instead of moaning about never calling, is about making that extra effort, is about leaving the boyfriend you see everyday to meet the friend you haven't seen in over a year, is about sharing, telling each other secrets, and the latest news, is not about blaming each other for not caring, because true friends doesn't need proof to show they care.
I believe that a relationship, either it's between a couple, a mother and her son or two friends has to go both ways, both parts should give. One can't only receive without giving and vice versa...

Here are some of my true friends:

Mr. WTFisThisFreakyThing

Mr. SixPackSnowman

Miss SmileyFlowerFace

Mr. FreakyBear
(I think he's pedo-bear's relative)
Mr. CuteMeltingSnowThingyThatIsActuallyJustUglyAndTheFactThatTwoKidsMadeItDoesn'tNecessarilyMake itCute

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