Friday, April 17, 2009

14.04.09 The question

I'm sitting on the bus regretting that i chose to sit on the left instead of the right while looking at people's faces while they're sleeping and all in all being very bored when some"action" happened: we got stopped at the border.
I remember last time this happened: I had a big meat sandwich in my bag (if not several because when I travel my parents seem to think that I'm going to starve although they know that I get travel sick and want to throw up more that I want to eat) and border people (can't remember what's they're called: agents?) get on with 4 dogs who are training on becoming sniffing dogs. The dogs go back and forth in the bus sniffing everyone in a respectable way, keeping their distance and being polite, but one (he's probably the least attentive in that class) jumped up on me (I blame the meat sandwich) and started sniffing me while I totally freaked out and his master was pulling him back! Very fun experience, i highly recommend it!
This time the "agents" didn't have dogs, they only wanted to see if they could throw some illegal immigrants off (I have witnessed that before) so they start checking every ones ID asking them why they're coming into the country, where they work and stuff like that. One guy from a non EU east european country hasn't gotten the nationality but some travel papers that allow him to travel in and out, so they ask a very very clever question:
"Do you carry with you something that you're not allowed to take in to the country?"


What do they think he will answer? "Yes, I have 3 kilos cocaine, 2 kilos hash, 3 fire guns, 7 swords in my bag and while I was packing I totally forgot that it was illegal to bring it with me, sorry?" ? Do they really think that this is the way to catch criminals. I know it's probably just some stupid procedure that they're obliged to do but they most feel really stupid while asking that question, I know I would!

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